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Thematic area


National Strategic Plan for the Advancement of Women (2013-2022)

All women in Myanmar are empowered and able to fully enjoy their rights with the support of the Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. Enabling systems, structures and...

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Technical Reports and Document

Census Key Messages

The pamphlet outlines key messages regarding the census purpose and process. 

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Technical Reports and Document

Census Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

A population census is a snapshot of a country at a particular moment in time. The picture we are taking will tell us how many people live in the country, their gender, age, living...

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Accurate and correct population information will help improve the standards of living in Myanmar. 

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Country Programme 2007-2011

UNFPA Special Programme of Assistance to Myanmar, 2007-2011 In September 2006, the UNFPA Executive Board approved a second programme of assistance to Myanmar (2007-2010). The foc...

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World Population Day Booklet 2011

World Population Day 2011: The World at 7 Billion

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Report on Situation Analysis of Population and Development, Reproductive Health and Gender in Myanmar

UNFPA Myanmar supported and organized an independent situation analysis for population and development, reproductive health and gender in Myanmar. 

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