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Summary of the Provisional Results

Overall, there are 93 males for every 100 females in Myanmar. Only in Kachin State are there more males than females; in Kayah and Shan States the numbers of males and females are ...

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Technical Reports and Document

What is happening at the Census Office

This document outlines the activities of the Myanmar Census Office. 

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Technical Reports and Document

Findings of the Census Observation An Overview

This document is a summary of the findings of the Observation Mission. Additional information, not from the Observation Mission, has been included to provide readers with a clearer...

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The State of the World’s Midwifery 2014

The State of the World’s Midwifery (SoWMy) 2014 presents findings on midwifery from 73 low and middle- income countries.

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Technical Reports and Document

Population and Housing Census Law

The Population and Housing Census Law (The PyidaungsuHluttaw Law No. 19, 2013) The 7th Waning Waso, 1375 M.E (29th July, 2013)    ...

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Technical Reports and Document

What you need to know

The success of a census is measured by the accuracy of the data collected. To get accurate census data, the information collected from respondents during the data collection should...

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Adolescent and Youth Friendly Health Services Manual for Basic Health Staff

The manual is a handy desk reference for health workers who provide primary health care services to adolescents and youth. It is designed as a step-by-step guide on how to communic...

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National Service Standards and Guidelines

This document sets Service Standards on Adolescent and Youth Health Care. It describes, for example, how services need to be arranged and how clinics need to link with community. I...

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Census Brochure

The brochure outlines the benefits, challenges and costs associated with the 2014 census. 

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