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What You Need to Know About the Census Provisional Results

The provisional results of the 2014 Myanmar Census will be released in August 2014. This follows the counting of the population throughout the country in March/April 2014. You may ...

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Census Observation Mission Report

After three decades without a Population and Housing Census, a census enumeration was conducted throughout most of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar from 30 March to 10 April 20...

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Census Questionnaire

The questionnaire is the main instrument used in census taking and when it is well-designed and used it captures data efficiently and effectively with minimal errors. The questionn...

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Female Dignity Kits

Kits typically contain standard hygiene items such as sanitary napkins, hand soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, underwear, among other things, but can include protection items such as r...

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Technical Reports and Document

Ensuring the Accuracy of Myanmar Census Data Step by Step

This booklet provides a step-by-step overview of the quality checks in place at each of the 14 different stages of the census process. 

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Provisional Results: Census Report Volume 1

This report on the Provisional Results is the first in a series of publications to be released from the 2014 Myanmar Census.

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Technical Reports and Document

Questions and Answers about Myanmar’s Census

This booklet is a compilation of questions and answers that were frequently raised during a series of consultations and interactions on data release and dissemination of the 2014 M...

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Technical Reports and Document

Guide for Facilitating Dialogue, Discussions and Orientation on Census Data Release and Dissemination for Development

The Census Project Office at the Department of Population has designed this Guide to help you better organize and facilitate discussions and dialogue on the release and utilization...

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Annual Report

UNFPA Myanmar Annual Report 2013 - 2014

Nation-wide survey shapes improvements for public sector reproductive health supplies and services 

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