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Country Programme 2007-2011

Country Programme 2007-2011
Country Programme 2007-2011


Country Programme 2007-2011

Publication date

01 December 2011

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UNFPA Special Programme of Assistance to Myanmar, 2007-2011

In September 2006, the UNFPA Executive Board approved a second programme of assistance to Myanmar (2007-2010). The focus of the second programme is on helping Myanmar to realize its objective of reaching the Millennium Development Goals, namely, reducing maternal mortality and preventing HIV and AIDS. The intended outcome of the programme is the improved reproductive health status of women and men in Myanmar, including adolescents and young people.

Activities related to reproductive health needs, interventions and support have been implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Population and Immigration, other government ministries, selected United Nations agencies, and selected local and international non-governmental organizations.

The second UNFPA programme of assistance focuses on five outputs:

  • Output 1: Improved access to reproductive and maternal health services, including birth spacing, pre- and post-natal care, delivery services and emergency obstetric care.
  • Output 2: Improved availability of disaggregated data for population and reproductive health programming.
  • Output 3: Increased access by young people to reproductive health and HIV-prevention information.
  • Output 4: Improved access by vulnerable populations to knowledge about and ways to prevent HIV.
  • Output 5: Increased access to comprehensive services to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV/AIDS.