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29 June 2020

Launch of #SheCounts campaign in Myanmar

YANGON, Myanmar – To support the annual report of the State of World Population (SWOP 2020) launch, this year UNFPA Myanmar along with UNFPA Asia Pacific countries, is launching an exciting campaign... Read more

1 June 2020

United Nations in Myanmar is working towards ensuring continuity of sexual and reproductive health services amid COVID-19 pandemic

United Nations in Myanmar is working towards ensuring continuity of sexual and reproductive health services amid COVID-19 pandemic. The UN in Myanmar has come together as one to support COVID-19... Read more

17 May 2020

Break the silence!

Statement by UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem on the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia 17 May 2020 “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and... Read more

14 May 2020

UN Myanmar Press Release: United Nations Supports Frontline Healthcare Workers and Communities to Protect Themselves Against COVID-19

Ensuring the protection of healthcare workers, volunteers and individuals is one of the main priorities for the Government of Myanmar in its efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19. The United... Read more

5 May 2020

UNFPA supports Myanmar midwives in continuing maternal health services and in combating COVID-19 pandemic

Yangon, Myanmar – “When the people see a midwife on duty (wearing white and red uniform) in our village, they see her as a angel coming to protect us. She is here with us to improve our health to... Read more

29 April 2020

UNFPA scales up its support to Myanmar’s State and Regional Health Departments in fighting COVID-19 pandemic

Myitkyina, Myanmar – UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency, delivers 330 sets of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to Kachin State Health Department in Myitkyina to... Read more

24 April 2020

In the shadow of COVID-19 outbreak, UNFPA reaches displaced women and girls in Northern Rakhine for Dignity Kits distribution.

Buthidaung, Myanmar – Escalation of armed clashes in Rakhine continues to displace many people away from their home. People and families are on the run and their lives and rights are challenged.... Read more

15 April 2020

Protecting the Rights and Opportunities of Women and Girls

The United Nations is committed to working with the Government of Myanmar to ensure that rights and opportunities of women and girls are protected amidst the evolving outbreak of COVID-19 in Myanmar... Read more

8 April 2020

World Health Day: Protecting midwives to keep women and babies safe amid the COVID-19 pandemic

Statement by UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem on World Health Day On this World Health Day, we mark the first International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife. Midwives are central to... Read more

8 April 2020

UNFPA provides psychosocial support online training for Government’s case managers in response to COVID-19 outbreak.

As a part of the UN response to COVID-19 outbreak in Myanmar, UNFPA conducted online training for Government staff to strengthen their capacity in providing basic psychosocial support for gender-... Read more
