YANGON, MYANMAR - Mr. Shiv Khare, the Executive Director of the Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (AFPPD) completed a 5-day visit to Myanmar. His visit culminated with a proposal by Parliamentarians for the establishment of a Parliamentary Committee on Population and Social Development to be a member of AFPPD.

Mr. Khare, accompanied by UNFPA Representative Mr. Mohamed Abdel-Ahad and UNFPA officials met with H. E. U Khin Yi, Minister of Immigration and Population, H. E. U Aung Kyi, Minister of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement, H. E. U Tin Naing Thein, Minister of National Planning and

Economic Development and H. E. Dr. Pe Thet Khin, Minister of Health to discuss matters of mutual interest and to explain the mandate, membership and activities of AFPPD. Mr. Khare also met with H. E. U Nanda Kyaw Swar, Deputy Speaker of Pyithu Hluttaw (Parliament) H. E. U Maung Maung Swe, the Chair of the Pyithu Hluttaw Committee of Women and Child

Protection, H. E. U Hla Myint Oo, the Chair of the Pyithu Hluttaw Committee of International Relations and held a seminar with selected parliamentarians. Mr. Khare’s presentation and discussion focused on potential areas of cooperation, such as membership of the Myanmar Parliament of AFPPD, support for capacity development of Myanmar parliamentarians, organization of national and regional seminars on population and development issues in Myanmar, and participation of Myanmar Parliamentarians in the International Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development in Istanbul in May 2012. The proposed committee on Population and Social Development will provide a viable forum for addressing a wide range of population and development issues in line with national development priorities.
AFPPD is a regional forum of 25 standing committees of parliamentarians on population and development throughout Asia. The Forum’s regional office is based in Bangkok and main office is in Tokyo. Established with an initiative from UNFPA in 1981, AFPPD aims to promote cooperation and partnerships among Asian Parliamentarians in the areas of population and development and related fields. The Forum is committed to inform and motivate parliamentarians to address the linkages between population dynamics and issues such as reproductive health, food security, sustainable development, environment, ageing, urbanization, migration and gender equality. AFPPD has a consultative Status with the UN ECOSOC and won the UN Population Award in 2010. Mr. Khare has been the Executive Director of AFPPD since 1993. Prior to his appointment as the Executive Director of AFPPD, Mr. Khare held a number of international leadership positions, such as the Secretary General of World Assembly of Youth based in Copenhagen, Denmark. He is a member of a number of professional bodies, such as UNFPA Global NGO Advisory Panel and the Asian Population Association and the Treasurer of AIDS Society of Asia Pacific Alliance (ASAP).
For more information, please contact:
Mr. Mohamed Abdel-Ahad, UNFPA Representative at ahad@unfpa.org
Daw Pansy Tun Thein, Assistant Representative, UNFPA at thein@unfpa.org