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Cultivating women’s potential: “All I needed was a chance”

calendar_today 07 March 2018


Cultivating women’s potential: “All I needed was a chance”

SHAN, Myanmar - Growing up in a small village in Myanmar’s conflict ridden Shan State, the life of Nang Sai Hein Kham, 23, has not been easy. Like many people in Myanmar,…

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Safe spaces empower displaced women and girls in Kutkai

calendar_today 27 February 2018


Safe spaces empower displaced women and girls in Kutkai

SHAN, Myanmar - “My husband and I fought most of the time. He yelled at me to mind women business only and to obey him.” A bitter smile reflects as Seng Pan*…

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The new generation of women who say: “Not yet”

calendar_today 23 February 2018


The new generation of women who say: “Not yet”

Kyae Nai is 23 years old. She has been married for two years and she has one child. “I want another child. But not yet”, she says. Kyae belongs to a…

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Valentine’s Day: If you don’t want to – say No to sex

calendar_today 09 February 2018


Valentine’s Day: If you don’t want to – say No to sex

YANGON, Myanmar - Valentine’s Day has become increasingly popular in Myanmar in recent years. Shops put on big displays of Valentine’s goods. Couples look forward to…

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A safe pregnancy for Hlei

calendar_today 02 February 2018


A safe pregnancy for Hlei

CHIN, Myanmar - Ngun Hlei Tling was pregnant with her third child when the midwife detected a serious complication. The midwife knew immediately that Hlei’s life was in…

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UNFPA dignity kits reach displaced women and girls in northern Myanmar

calendar_today 25 January 2018


UNFPA dignity kits reach displaced women and girls in northern Myanmar

As people flee their homes, escaping armed conflict in northern Myanmar, UNFPA is working to meet the immediate hygiene and protection needs of the displaced women and girls…

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Life interrupted: Teenage pregnancy in Myanmar

calendar_today 15 January 2018


Life interrupted: Teenage pregnancy in Myanmar

Every year, almost 50,000 teenage girls in Myanmar give birth. One of them is Thiri, a teenager in a small Myanmar town. “My boyfriend and I were in love. We were so close…

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“Now I choose family planning”

calendar_today 29 December 2017


“Now I choose family planning”

“When I fell in love with my husband, I never imagined that our lives would be so harsh. We both come from poor families, we have little education, and we lacked…

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Contraceptive implant brings comfort and joy to Myanmar women

calendar_today 22 December 2017


Contraceptive implant brings comfort and joy to Myanmar women

When the mobile reproductive health team arrives in Bhyat Kha village in Kayin, Myanmar, the clinic is already bursting with clients. The health assistant in the village…

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