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UNFPA conducts annual programme review meeting with partners

UNFPA conducts annual programme review meeting with partners


UNFPA conducts annual programme review meeting with partners

calendar_today 06 December 2013

UNFPA representatives met with its implementing partners for its annual programme review meeting to discuss progress on the Myanmar 3rd Country Programme Assistance, held on 5-6 December 2013 in Nay Pyi Taw, the capital of Myanmar.


Ms. Janet Jackson, UNFPA Myanmar Representative said in her welcoming remarks that “It is time for all of us to re-energize and to take stock of all the activities we have done in 2013, and it is time to re-affirm our commitment to our partnerships.” 

She emphasized the importance to keep push for new policy initiatives by working closely and fully co-operate with the government to ensure that “we are not only part of the change, but that we also implemented it. We must stand by the decisions we make and continue working closely with the partners we interact with.” 

On the second day, taking rapid changes in social, legal and economic legal framework into consideration, all the participants met in smaller groups to clearly identify targets for 2014 and how to better develop more effective coordination amongst all stakeholders such as the local authority, Government sectors, INGO, NGOs, local communities and target end beneficiaries. 

The upcoming 2014 Myanmar census was widely discussed throughout the meetings and all the participants were encouraged to reach out to their local communities and partners, in order to ensure that everyone participates during the census count on 29th March to 10 April 2014. 

Representatives from implementing partners presents at the workshop included Population Service International (PSI), Marie Stopes International (MSI), Francois Xavier Bagnoud (FXB), Myanmar Red Cross Society (MRCS), Central Health Education Bureau (CHEB), Central Health Education Bureau (CHEB), National AIDS Programme (NAP), Myanmar Medical Association (MMA), Myanmar Anti Narcotics Association (MANA), Myanmar Maternal Child Welfare Association (MMCWA), AIDS Myanmar Association (AMA), Department of Social Welfare (DSW), Department of Health (DoH), Department of Population (DoP) and JOICFP, Japanese Organisation for International Co-operative in Family Planning .