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Violence against women: #ItsNotOk

Violence against women: #ItsNotOk


Violence against women: #ItsNotOk

calendar_today 08 March 2018

Violence against women: #ItsNotOK – Ye Min, UNFPA #Myanmar web developer and Than Zaw Aung, driver, stand up for women’s human rights on International Women’s Day #IWD
Violence against women: #ItsNotOK – Ye Min, UNFPA #Myanmar web developer and Than Zaw Aung, driver, stand up for women’s human rights on International Women’s Day #IWD

YANGON, Myanmar - Worldwide, inequalities that have allowed discrimination to flourish are being exposed like never before. In Myanmar, people are taking to the streets and to social media to call for zero tolerance to sexual assault, harassment, domestic violence, and all forms of gender based violence.

Their voices are amplified in the UNFPA-supported campaign RespectHer and under the Facebook hashtag #ItsNotOk. The campaign is a platform for a public dialogue across Myanmar, and it is generating a critical mass of support for social change.

These are some of the photos that UNFPA Myanmar have posted. Go to #ItsNotOk to see photos from women and men across Myanmar.

Violence against women: #ItsNotOK – Mi Mi Thin Aung, UNFPA #Myanmar gender-based violence programme analyst, stands up for women’s human rights on International Women’s Day #IWD


Violence against women: #ItsNotOK – Su Mon Latt, UNFPA #Myanmar gender-based violence programme analyst, stands up for women’s human rights on International Women’s Day #IWD


Violence against women: #ItsNotOK – James Underhill, UNFPA #Myanmar mental health and psychosocial support specialist, stands up for women’s human rights on International Women’s Day #IWD


Violence against women: #ItsNotOK – Tin Thuzar Lwin, UNFPA #Myanmar programme assistant, stands up for women’s human rights on International Women’s Day #IWD


Violence against women: #ItsNotOK – Win Myint, UNFPA #Myanmar monitoring and evaluation programme analyst, stands up for women’s human rights on International Women’s Day #IWD


Violence against women: #ItsNotOK – Phan Thi Thu Hlen, UNFPA #Myanmar gender policy and advocacy specialist, stands up for women’s human rights on International Women’s Day #IWD


Violence against women: #ItsNotOK – Zaw Linn, UNDP #Myanmar common services, stands up for women’s human rights on International Women’s Day #IWD


Violence against women: #ItsNotOK – Kanako Yoshikawa, UNFPA #Myanmar monitoring and evaluation programme analyst (M&E), stands up for women’s human rights on International Women’s Day #IWD


Violence against women: #ItsNotOK – Daniel, UNFPA #Myanmar census programme coordinator, stands up for women’s human rights on International Women’s Day #IWD


UNFPA's team in Myitkyina


#ItsNotOk and RespectHer is a collaboration between UNFPA, Myanmar Art Social projeCt and Association Francois Xavier Bagnoud.