Greeted by John Lennon’s famous song on peace “Imagine”, the stage was set for Myanmar’s third commemoration of the International Day of Peace.
Janet E. Jackson, UNFPA Representative of Myanmar delivered the United Nations Secretary General’s message who emphasized to the citizens of the world the importance of peace, by stating that “Peace and security are essential foundations for social progress and sustainable development.”

The Secretary General‘s message also affirmed that the United Nations were created on the “pledge to save succeeding generations from scrounges of war” and that much progress had been done, but much remains to be done. “We must douse the fires of extremism and tackle the root causes of conflict.”
The message also highlighted the 70th anniversary of the birth of the United Nations, including the 30th anniversary of the General Assembly Declaration on the Right of Peoples to Peace, an issue which remains at the forefront of the organization.
During the commemoration winners of the PEN Myanmar poetry and short story competition received trophies and certificates for their literary efforts illustrating acts of freedom of expression in the South-East Asian country.
During the event the participants were asked to observed one minute of silence.
The International Day of Peace has been observed annually on a global scale since 1982. This year’s theme is the “Right to Peoples to Peace”