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HIV/AIDS Knowledge Fair 2010

HIV/AIDS Knowledge Fair 2010


HIV/AIDS Knowledge Fair 2010

calendar_today 03 December 2010

With financial assistance from UNFPA, the Youth Development Programme of the Myanmar Medical Association (MMA) held an “HIV/AIDS Knowledge Fair” in commemoration of World AIDS Day 2010 in its compound in Yangon on 3rd December 2010.

This was the sixth such event that MMA had conducted over the past four years in Yangon, Pathein, Bago and Pyay. The main objectives are to spread knowledge of AIDS among young people, to raise funds for AIDS orphans, to network with youth from other organizations and promote the capacity of youth volunteers in managing youth activities.

Together with the Myanmar Medical Association, the Japanese Organization of International Cooperation on Family Planning (JOICFP), Marie Stopes International, François-Xavier Bagnoud, Myanmar Red Cross Society, Myanmar Business Coalition on AIDS and the Central Health Education Bureau participated in this event. There were exhibitions, a reading corner, an HIV/AIDS slide show, a counseling room, a quiz corner, an edutainment programme and fund-raising activities like games, food stalls and souvenir shops. More than 150 youth volunteers worked hard to make the event a success, and their strenuous efforts and enthusiasm managed to raise nearly K1 million in new funding for an AIDS orphanage centre.

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