Completed questionnaires for the 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census started arriving at the Department of Population (DoP) on 23 April 2014, in Nay Pyi Taw, the nation’s capital, as scheduled. First to arrive were trucks from the all of the 8 townships with in the Pyi Taw region, carrying 400 boxes filled with collected questionnaire forms from all of the 1,871 enumeration areas.
As the first truck rolled in, there was a visible sense of pride and excitement on the part of both the DOP staff receiving the first lot of questionnaires from the field and the Township Officers delivering the questionnaires. Mr. Nay Win, Township Officer for Pyinmana Township said he was happy to finally deliver the questionnaires, a direct result of the hard work by his team and the enumerators in his Township.

“These completed questionnaires are the result of hard work on our part, and the cooperation of the community on the other part. In my Township we are all proud to have successfully executed this important activity without encountering any problems,” said Nay Win.
Mr. Htane Lin, Township Officer for Zayarthiri Township, shared similar sentiments. “The delivery of the questionnaires from my Township gives a sense of accomplishment to my team. We now look forward to the census results after DOP processes the questionnaires,” said Htane Lin.
Meanwhile, DOP staff were seen methodically receiving the boxes from each Township, recording them and moving them to their allocated racks at the Census Centre within the DoP, where they will be temporarily stored before the commencement of sorting, counting and checking, steps that are important before the questionnaires can be prepared for scanning. The scanning is planned to start in early May 2014.
Delivery of census materials from all the townships across the country to the Department of Population is scheduled for the period between 23 April and 4 May 2014, in time for the start of data processing activities. The delivery of the questionnaire forms was slightly delayed due to the Water Festival and the Burmese New Year break.
The Census is being implemented by the Department of Population in the Ministry of Immigration and population, with technical and financial support from UNFPA.
The 2014 Population Census for Myanmar was conducted from 29 March to 10 April 2014.