Amidst the serene but isolating waters of Myanmar's Irrawaddy River, an innovative mobile health service sails to the neediest communities, bringing critical healthcare where traditional facilities are hard to reach. The floating clinics initiated by AFXB Myanmar, with the support of UNFPA, navigate the river to deliver essential health services, focusing on the urgent needs of women and girls affected by the hu...
Enhancing resilience and wellbeing of Myanmar’s Older People through community-led mental health and psychosocial support
In Myanmar, the COVID-19 pandemic and an ongoing humanitarian crisis have cast long shadows over the lives of people, particularly affecting one of the most vulnerable—the elderly. According to the 2019 Myanmar Inter-censal Survey, the older population was about 5.2 million, comprising 10.1 per cent of the total conventional household population, and this percentage is projected to rise to around 13 million or almost...
Lifesaving amidst the conflict: Story of a midwife in the displaced camp in Kachin
In Kachin State, where displacement and hardship has intensified due to the conflict, local midwife Lamawng Lum Naw serves as a vital pillar of hope and health for the vulnerable population. Lamawng has dedicated her life to providing essential healthcare and to upholding the rights of women and girls under challenging conditions. This is her inspiring story.

Requests for Proposals


UNFPA P11 (Personal History) Form

31 December 2024
P11 (Personal History) Form